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​                   can help you live a deeper more contented life. 


Working with a coach, you step back from the everyday, embrace the power of pause, think about what you are doing, and why. 

By building a trusted relationship, we can work together to define your future vision and purpose. Through deep listening, gently challenging questions, reframing, and reflection, we will create the space for you to hear your inner self and your deepest desires.

Many of my clients seek coaching during periods of transition, re-evaluation, and re-imagining following a loss (of health, role, relationship, or a bereavement) or an awakening that leads them to want to examine their life, choices and future.

Drawing on over twenty years’ experience and trainings in a number of modalities*, I coach intuitively and compassionately on whatever you need support with, in your life, at this moment.

I look forward to meeting you //

*Executive Coach (ICE, University of Cambridge), Zen Coach (ZC Sweden), Advanced Coach (OUCE University of Oxford), and trauma-informed practitioner (CHWA). My holistic approach is supported by my yoga practice (SriMA, Rishikesh), & mindfulness (tradition of Thích Nhat Hanh).

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